Have you been thinking about making a change for a while or it has crept up on you suddenly?
You're feeling stuck or overwhelmed. You're at a crossroads in a relationship, or you're under pressure at work. You're stepping into a leadership role or trying to get more out of your team. Something needs to change but you're scared of making the leap.
And then your brain kicks in and out comes the judgemental voice: 'I'm not good enough', 'It'll never work', 'what will people think?'
Coaching gives you the power to change this.
As human beings, we have the capacity to think deeply about many things, but often this can tie us up in knots and leave us tripping over our own unhelpful thoughts and feelings. Working in a coaching partnership allows you to view your life from a different perspective, reflect more deeply and really explore what you want, allowing you to move forward with purpose and conviction.
"Coaching has helped me see myself much more clearly: what overwhelms me,
what drives me, what my strengths are and what I need extra help with.
Lisa helped me see aspects of my personality that I can work with and not against." - Emma
"I wanted accountability. I feel I have got so much more.
Lisa has a personal interest in the work I do which is hugely helpful. She is passionate about my business doing well and I believe she can appreciate the good it could do, if I get out of my own way! Lisa has challenged me to believe more in myself and spurred me on, to aim higher. She has helped me discover ways I can do and achieve better." - Yoni