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Be here, now

“Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your life, so you create your years.”

I have to say, I don’t subscribe to Robin Sharma’s 5am Club concept of getting it all done before everyone else has woken up – be it exercise, meditation, a day’s work, journalling, studying or business planning. But this quote, from the leadership author and monk who sold his Ferrari, spoke to me this morning (at a much more acceptable 10.20am).

I’m struck by the separate sentences of this quote. If your life boiled down to this single day, what are you left with? Should a person’s life be defined by whether today is a good day or a bad day, or something that happened decades ago?

The second sentence reflects the power we each have to change and evolve, consciously. But mostly, it’s about how we handle the opportunities and challenges in the here and now. Living intentionally, and making mindful choices, can enable us to move towards the life we desire, and to experience the present with a greater sense of our own destiny.

This encapsulates the reasons why I love coaching and supporting others to get the very best from life, whatever it throws at us. It also neatly introduces an approach I often apply when I coach, using a framework from Acceptance and Commitment Theory (ACT).

When we start to understand our own unique stories, we can make peace with our successes and failings, and learn to create a more intentional way of living. In turn, this frees us to fully experience the present for what it is and to commit to life, driven by the things that matter most to us.

If you want to get the most out of life or out of your team, without having to wait for the change to come to you, drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you.

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